Top 10 Powerful Lady in the World | Names: Women play a greater role in the development of our nation. In the olden days, women were seen to be the weaker of our society and capable of meeting only their husband’s and families needs. But later there was a change and women have grown up. A woman is capable of evolving the world by creating influence and power and success in their position in the world. Every 8th of March we celebrate women’s day. Women play a significant role in society as a wife, mothers, a sister, a caretaker, a nurse, etc. They have a better understanding of the social structure and are more towards the need of others.

Top 10 Powerful Lady in the World

Angela Merkel – Chancellor of Germany

Merkel Angela became the first female chancellor of Germany in the year 2005. She is from German lady who is known for her political vision. In Europe, she is the head of the government. Merkel was involved in the formation of the European Union. In the year 2018, She stepped down as chair of the CDU. She is working as a chancellor of Germany.

Christine Lagarde

Christine Lagarde was born on January 1956 and she is a famous French politician, businessperson, and lawyer serving as president of the European Central bank. She was previously the first woman to run the international monetary fund that ensures the stability of the international monetary system. In the year 2016, Lagarde was found guilty of negligence after being involved in a dispute. In the year 2018, she ordered the case to arbitration, and Tapie was awarded $524 million which caused an uproar.

Kamala Harris – Vice President

Kamala Harris became the first woman in American history elected to the vice presidency in November 2020. She has risen higher in the country’s leadership than any woman ever before her which is what makes her one of the most powerful women. We witnessed two systems of justice when we saw one that let storm the United State Capital and another that released tear gas on peaceful last summer.

Ursula Von Der Leyen – President of the European Commission

Ursula is a German politician who is known for her exceptional skills to lead the defense ministry of Germany.  During her time as minister of defense, she called for increased military spending in order to improve the state of Germany’s defense system, in which many tanks and other military objects were not deployable.

Melinda Gates

Melinda Gates is known to make a difference by taking up some women’s health-related responsibilities all across the globe. She is increasingly visible in shaping foundation strategy and solving tough global challenges from education and poverty to contraception and sanitation. She started working as a product manager at Microsoft in the year 1987 where she met her would-be husband. In the year 2012, Melinda donated $560 million towards efforts to increase access to contraception for women in developing countries. In the year 2015, both Bill and Melinda Gates with the Presidential Medal of Freedom for their philanthropic work.

Mary Barra – CEO of General Motors

She is the American Businesswoman and the first female CEO of a major automaker known in history. She was born on 24 December 1961 and is an engineer herself.

Nancy Pelosi – Speaker of the United States

Nancy Pelosi was the first female speaker of the House and a self-made strong woman. Nancy finished her studies at the college of Trinity and Notre Dame. She was reelected in the year 1988 to a full term. In the year 2002, Pelosi was chosen to be the Democratic leader of the House of representatives. In 2010, the Democrats lost the House and Pelosi became the minority leader. In 2019, the Democrats regained control of the house, and Pelosi was reinstated as speaker.

Ana Patricia Botin – Executive Chairman of Banco Santander

Ana Patricia Botin was the executive chairman of Santander group. She is the fourth generation of the Botin family to hold and fulfill all the expectations from her job role. For finance, she is the most powerful woman in the world.

Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II has held a place of power on the world stage for over 65 years. In the year 1969, Charles was made the Queen’s official successor after he was granted the title of the Prince of Wales. Queen Elizabeth II does not typically interfere with political matters, the Queen meets regularly with her prime ministers.

Sheryl Sandberg – COO of Facebook

Sandberg is the chief operating officer of Facebook and the author of the bestselling book ” Lean In”. In the year 2008, She served as Google’s vice president of global online sales and operations. She turned the company around which previously suffered losses, and improved profits in the year 2018 under leadership. She also increased revenue by 38% after the social media service as an advertising platform for small businesses. She became the first female member of the company board of directors in the year 2012.

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